E-ISSN: 1308-5263
Thoracic splenosis [Turk J Hematol]
Turk J Hematol. 2005; 22(3): 147-149

Thoracic splenosis

Ulaş Kumbasar1, Egemen Döner1, Serkan Enön1, Murat Akal1, Can Öztürk2
1Department Of Thoracic Surgery, Ankara University School Of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
2Department Of Respiratory Medicine, Gazi University School Of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey

Intrathoracic splenosis is a rare condition that results after rupture of the spleen or diaphragmatic injury. We present herein a case of intrathoracic splenosis of a 48-years-old woman whom splenectomy had been performed 5 years ago after a traffic accident. The patient was operated on with suspicion of malignancy and total resection of the lesion was performed with video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS). Histopathologic examination confirmed the splenosis diagnosis. Thoracic splenosis should be suspected for the patients with thoracic lesions whom had medical history of thoracoabdominal injury including splenectomy or diaphragmatic injury.

Keywords: Trauma, Chest, Video-assisted thoracic surgery.

Torasik splenozis

Ulaş Kumbasar1, Egemen Döner1, Serkan Enön1, Murat Akal1, Can Öztürk2
1Department Of Thoracic Surgery, Ankara University School Of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
2Department Of Respiratory Medicine, Gazi University School Of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey

İntratorasik splenozis, dalak rüptürü veya diyafragma hasarı sonrasında meydana gelebilen nadir bir durumdur. Bu olgu sunumunda, beş yıl önce trafik kazası nedeniyle splenektomi uygulanmış olan 48 yaşındaki kadın hastada gelişen intratorasik splenozis vakasını sunuyoruz. Hastaya sol hemitoraksta kitle tanısıyla, malignite şüphesiyle video yardımlı toraks cerrahisi (VATS) uygulandı ve sol hemitorakstaki lezyon eksize edildi. Histopatolojık inceleme dalak dokusuyla uyumlu bulundu. Sonuç olarak, özgeçmişinde torakoabdominal travmaya bağlı ortaya çıkan diyafragma hasarı veya splenektomı hıkayesi bulunan olgularda intratorasik splenozis akılda tutulması gereken bır tanıdır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Travma, Toraks, Video yardımlı toraks cerrahisi.

Ulaş Kumbasar, Egemen Döner, Serkan Enön, Murat Akal, Can Öztürk. Thoracic splenosis. Turk J Hematol. 2005; 22(3): 147-149

Corresponding Author: Ulaş Kumbasar, Türkiye

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