E-ISSN: 1308-5263

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Ahead of Print - Turkish Journal of Hematology

Ahead of Print

1. Hsa_circRNA_092488 Exacerbates the Progression of Deep Vein Thrombosis Through the NLRP3/NFkB Signaling Pathway
Jian Wang, Binghui Du
doi: 10.4274/tjh.galenos.2025.2024.0160  Page 

2. MiR-379-5p Inhibited the Proliferation of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Through Negative Regulation of YBX1
Huichao Wu, Lin Zha, Huanyu Guo, Yingjie Xie, Jianhua Hu, Xinxia Tan
doi: 10.4274/tjh.galenos.2025.2024.0424  Page 

3. The IRF2-INPP4B pathway is activated in CD4+ T cells and aggravates acute myeloid leukemia development by inhibiting apoptosis
Xiangqin Xing, Mei Zhang, Shengfen Tan, Junfeng Zhu, Jiajia Li, Pingping Zhang, Yuan Yuan, Meng Wang, Feng Zhang
doi: 10.4274/tjh.galenos.2024.2025.0292  Page 

4. Decoding Cytoplasmic Vacuolization: Unravelling the Diagnostic Challenges of Vexas Syndrome
Taner Tan, Mustafa Cem Bülbül, Merve Kaysin, İbrahim Öner Doğan, Olga Meltem Akay, Sinem Cıvrız Bozdağ
doi: 10.4274/tjh.galenos.2025.2024.0444  Page 
Abstract |Full Text PDF

5. Retrospective Evaluation of Clinical And Follow-Up Outcomes in Primary Cutaneous CD30+ Lymphoproliferative Disorders
Hatice Şanlı, Ahmet Taha Aydemir, İncilay Kalay Yıldızhan, Aylin Heper, Işınsu Kuzu, Ayça Kırmızı, Ayşenur Botsalı, Bengü Nisa Akay
doi: 10.4274/tjh.galenos.2025.2025.0045  Page 
Abstract |Full Text PDF