E-ISSN: 1308-5263
Thrombocytosis in the neonatal intensive care unit: Experience at a single center [Turk J Hematol]
Turk J Hematol. 2007; 24(3): 110-116

Thrombocytosis in the neonatal intensive care unit: Experience at a single center

Emel Özyürek1, Aylin Tarcan2, Ece Yaprakçı2, Kürşat Tokel2, Berkan Gürakan2, Namık Özbek2
1Department Of Pediatric Hematology, 19 Mayıs University Faculty Of Medicine, Samsun, Turkey
2Department Of Pediatric, Başkent University Faculty Of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey-

Although thrombocytosis is frequently detected in newborns, few reports have focused on its risk factors. This report documents the characteristics of 89 neonates with thrombocytosis followed up in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). We reviewed the patients' medical and laboratory records retrospectively to determine the associated conditions and risk factors for neonatal thrombocytosis, and complications related to thrombocytosis. We also discussed the differences of neonatal thrombocytosis from that of childhood in the light of literature. The mean platelet count of these newborns was 579.7 ± 111.5 (451-936) x 109/L. Associated conditions included anemia (73.7%), high- isk pregnancies (56. %), prematurity (51.7%), infections (37.1%), antenatal drug use (22.7%), indirect hyperbilirubinemia (20.2%), cardiac disorders (14.6%), respiratory distress syndrome (14.6%), history of hypoxia (13.5%), surgery (12.4%), and hemorrhage (3.4%). In most cases, more than one risk factor for thrombocytosis existed in the same newborn. No hemorrhagic complications related to thrombocytosis were observed; however, 1 newborn had portal vein thrombosis associated with intestinal malrotation. In summary, risk factors and associated conditions for thrombocytosis in newborns differed from those in children. In light of associated disorders, the mechanism of thrombocytosis in newborns may differ from that of childhood thrombocytosis.

Keywords: Etiology, neonatal intensive care unit, newborn, thrombocytosis

Yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesinde trombositoz: Tek merkezin deneyimi

Emel Özyürek1, Aylin Tarcan2, Ece Yaprakçı2, Kürşat Tokel2, Berkan Gürakan2, Namık Özbek2
1Department Of Pediatric Hematology, 19 Mayıs University Faculty Of Medicine, Samsun, Turkey
2Department Of Pediatric, Başkent University Faculty Of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey

Bu yenidoğanların ortalama trombosit sayıları 579.7 ± 111.5 (451-936) x 109/L idi. Trombositozla birlikte bulunan tıbbi durumlar şöyleydi: %73.7 anemi, %56.2 yüksek riskli gebelik, %51.7 prematürite, %37.1 infeksiyonlar, %22.7 antenatal ilaç kullanımı, %20.2 indirekt hiperbilirubinemi, %14.6 kardiyak hastaliklar, %14.6 respiratuar distres hastalıkları, %13.5 hipoksi hikayesi, %12.4 ameliyat, %3.4 hemoraji. Olguların çoğunda aynı yenidoğanda birden fazla risk faktörü bulundu. Trombositoza bağlı hemorajik bir komplikasyon görülmezken, sadece bir yenidoğanda intestinal malrotasyona bağlı portal ven trombozu mevcuttu. Sonuç olarak, yenidoğ an trombositozuyla birlikte bulunan tıbbi durumlar ve risk faktörlerinin çocukluk yaş grubundan farklı olduğ u bulundu.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Etyoloji, yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesi, yenidoğan, trombositoz

Emel Özyürek, Aylin Tarcan, Ece Yaprakçı, Kürşat Tokel, Berkan Gürakan, Namık Özbek. Thrombocytosis in the neonatal intensive care unit: Experience at a single center. Turk J Hematol. 2007; 24(3): 110-116

Corresponding Author: Emel Özyürek, Türkiye

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