E-ISSN: 1308-5263
Aleukemic Variant of Mast Cell Leukemia with del (7)(q31): Rare Case Report of an Elderly Chinese Man [Turk J Hematol]
Turk J Hematol. 2023; 40(3): 216-219 | DOI: 10.4274/tjh.galenos.2023.2022.0456  

Aleukemic Variant of Mast Cell Leukemia with del (7)(q31): Rare Case Report of an Elderly Chinese Man

Xiaoying Song1, Yiping Yang2, Zhanlong Wang3, Jihong Hao2
1Kailuan General Hospital, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Tangshan, China; Institute of Physical Chemical Laboratory, Tangshan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Tangshan, China
2The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Shijiazhuang, China
3Xiqing District Saida Testing, Department of Morphology, SINO-US-Diagnostics, Tianjin, China

Keywords: Mast cells, Hematopoiesis, Hematologic manifestations of systemic diseases, Others, Bone marrow failure, Marrow, Other leukemias, Neoplasia, Molecular hematology

Del (7)(q31) Alösemik Mast Hücre Lösemisi Varyantı: Yaşlı bir Çinli Erkeğin Nadir Olgu Sunumu

Xiaoying Song1, Yiping Yang2, Zhanlong Wang3, Jihong Hao2
1Kailuan General Hospital, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Tangshan, China; Institute of Physical Chemical Laboratory, Tangshan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Tangshan, China
2The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Shijiazhuang, China
3Xiqing District Saida Testing, Department of Morphology, SINO-US-Diagnostics, Tianjin, China

Anahtar Kelimeler: Mast hücreleri, Hematopoez, Sistemik hastalıkların hematolojik belirtileri, Diğerleri, Kemik iliği yetmezliği, İlik, Diğer lösemiler, Neoplazi, Moleküler hematoloji

Xiaoying Song, Yiping Yang, Zhanlong Wang, Jihong Hao. Aleukemic Variant of Mast Cell Leukemia with del (7)(q31): Rare Case Report of an Elderly Chinese Man. Turk J Hematol. 2023; 40(3): 216-219

Corresponding Author: Xiaoying Song, China

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