E-ISSN: 1308-5263
An Unconventional Presentation of Multiple Myeloma: Bazex Syndrome [Turk J Hematol]
Turk J Hematol. 2020; 37(4): 294-296 | DOI: 10.4274/tjh.galenos.2020.2020.0308  

An Unconventional Presentation of Multiple Myeloma: Bazex Syndrome

Özlem Kandemir Alibakan1, Naciye Demirel2, Nihan Nizam3, Rafet Eren2
1University of Health Sciences Turkey, Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşçıoğlu Training and Research Hospital, Clinic of Internal Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey
2University of Health Sciences Turkey, Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşçıoğlu Training and Research Hospital, Clinic of Hematology, İstanbul, Turkey
3İstanbul University İstanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey

Keywords: Bazex syndrome, Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica, Multiple myeloma, Paraneoplastic syndrome

Multipl Myelomun Olağan Dışı Bir Prezentasyonu: Bazex Sendromu

Özlem Kandemir Alibakan1, Naciye Demirel2, Nihan Nizam3, Rafet Eren2
1University of Health Sciences Turkey, Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşçıoğlu Training and Research Hospital, Clinic of Internal Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey
2University of Health Sciences Turkey, Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşçıoğlu Training and Research Hospital, Clinic of Hematology, İstanbul, Turkey
3İstanbul University İstanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey

Anahtar Kelimeler: Bazex sendromu, Akrokeratozis paraneoplastika, Multipl myelom, Paraneoplastik sendrom

Özlem Kandemir Alibakan, Naciye Demirel, Nihan Nizam, Rafet Eren. An Unconventional Presentation of Multiple Myeloma: Bazex Syndrome. Turk J Hematol. 2020; 37(4): 294-296

Corresponding Author: Rafet Eren, Türkiye

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